You Can Change the World
Join our team of Youth Interns to see what you can do from anywhere in the US!
Work Personality & Interview
Complete your work personality assessment
Get interviewed
Enroll in a Cohort and Join Orientation!
Details will be emailed to you after your interview.
Ages: 14 - 24 (grades 9 - College Seniors), limited slots for middle school grades 6-8
Where: Online
When: Sundays (training), Mondays and Wednesdays (touch points), Flexible days / hours (work schedule)
Time: Varies
Why: Learn skills, be college ready, career empowerment, professional networking skills, make a change in your local community
How: Mix of training and real-life experiences through hands-on projects
Stipends available for committed interns.
See what the interns have to say...
"ILIA has allowed me to do actual work I wouldn't have been able to at a normal job for teens, and I've gotten important work experience from day one." -Ahmed R, College Freshman
"I don't know where I would be without my ILIA internship." -Jannah, grade 11
"ILIA has helped me do better with my communication and project management." -Hanan, grade 12
"ILIA gave me a purpose besides school; ILIA gave me the opportunity to educate youth and it taught me very important skills that I will use later on in life." -Mahmoud, grade 10
"The APPL certification course has impacted me by broadening my insights and allowing me to learn new topics and ideas. An instrumental part of this is having discussions and exchanging thoughts on an idea." -Adam, grade 12
"ILIA has allowed me to gain valuable real-life experiences and enhance my communication skills." -Sumaya, grade 10
What does it mean to be an #ILIAintern?
As an #ILIAintern, you can expect to learn, learn, and learn tons of meaningful life skills. These are skills you are not learning at school; skills that boost your career and provide you with a well-rounded experience that gives you the leadership edge your community expects from a young ambitious leader like yourself.
#ILIAinterns experience not only unique applied and hands-on opportunities, but also get to enjoy private development discussions, meetings with leaders, 1-on-1 coaching, and personalized visions.
#ILIAinterns are expected to complete several mandatory courses each month, such as:
Internship Training (Free)
Leadership Qualities Series (Free)
Youth Project Management 101 and 102 (Free)
Tri-weekly Team Huddles (Free)
#ILIAinterns are expected to commit the following minimum amounts of times to their work:
College (Minimum 48 Weeks)
12 hrs per week during school year, 20 hrs per week during school breaks
High School (Minimum 26 Weeks)
Grades 9-10: 8 hrs per week during school year, 16 hrs per week during school breaks.
Grades 11-12: 12 hrs per week during school year, 20 hrs per week during school breaks.
#ILIAinterns are expected to achieve top performance. Quality work is the norm.
Some common performance achievements are:
Completing work on time
Working on at least one meaningful project
Progressing from one internship stage to another per schedule
Attend at least 90% of your invited meetings
Collaborate with the full team and not just one or two people
Unlike many internships, ILIA Internships are have unique in their personalization, context and impact.
What We Do
The Youth Council is a team of ambitious youth who define and execute Islamic Leadership Institute of America’s programs. By giving these talented youth the resources and coaching they need, the Youth Council has been able to benefit the community with their programs. From Blanket Making classes that help the needy stay warm in the winter to the Youth Crisis Line, ILIA youth all get an opportunity to make a real impact.
If you chose to join us, you will be swept up into a world of practical business training, youth events, and meaningful experiences.
Contact us at:
Current Areas of Opportunity
We are currently accepting applications for all the following roles at Islamic Leadership Institute of America at both the high school and college levels, we also have 2 year fellowships for young professionals who have a Bachelors degree.
Aafia Siddiqui Advocate
Food Security Advocate
Gun Control Advocate
Hindutva in America Analyst
Misconceptions about Islam Analyst
Palestine Resource Center Advocate
Uyghur Resource Center Advocate
Youth Homelessness Advocate
Youth Crisis Stabilization Advocate
Youth Poverty Mitigation Advocate
Outreach & Digital Marketing
Flyer Designer (Canva Expert)
Video Shooter
Video Scripter (aka Video Copywriter)
Video Creator / Editor
Social media Poster (aka social media copywriter)
Email / Press Release Writer (aka copywriter / storyteller)
Website Editor
Public Speaking
Jummah Khutbah
Engineering & IT
Robotics Team Lead
Virtual Reality Developer
Mobile Application Developer
Project Manager
Scholarship Program
Youth Crisis Line
Frog Pond Biologist
Flower Bed Botanist
Fundraising Analyst
Entrepreneur, Community Building
Social Impact Visionary
Native Americans in Maryland
Black Lives in Baltimore
Islam in Baltimore
Experiential Learning Researcher
STEM Teacher